
Bergonzi pentatonics cd content
Bergonzi pentatonics cd content

G-7 7 Hexatonics in parenthesis create a higher degree of tension. Try integrating this approach with other melodic material. G-7 7 F-7 BP” Of course, improvising and using only one particular hexatonic sounds very onedimensional. This hexatonic can be played over many different bsrgonzi.ĪUTHENTICATION OF HADITH REDEFINING THE CRITERIA PDF Jerry Bergonzi Vol 3 Jazz Line Some hexatonics are consonant sounding against a chord type.

bergonzi pentatonics cd content

Have each hexatonic be 1 bar,2 bars or 4 bars each. In most ofthe following examples and etudes accidentals only apply to the note they are attached to. As already stated, a hexatonic scale can be derived by combining the notes of two triads that do not share any common tones. Have each hexatonic be I bar, 2 bars or 4 bars each. Programma del triennio di di The “stand alone” sound is oftentimes enough to make a strong, effective melodic statement regardless of how it is or isn’t relating to the harmony over which it is being used. F IC Try playing 8 notes of any hexatonic melody using the notes of the grid as starting notes. Triads are incredibly strong sounding melodic devices. Jerry Bergonzi: INSIDE IMPROVISATION SERIES VOLUME 7: HEXATONICS, Paperback Book & CD Package, All Instruments, and thousands more titles. I had looked through some of his previous. I ordered Jerry Bergonzi’s Hexatonics book, the seventh volume in his Inside Improvisation series.

bergonzi pentatonics cd content

One way to create a hexatonic scale is to combine the notes of two. 1-+ 1 ~:haptr,ztroduction HEXATONICS llexatonic scales are six note scales.

Bergonzi pentatonics cd content